Criss-Cross Town is a town-building word game. Using a pair of scissors, players cut off letter pieces from a 10×10 grid, with the aim of constructing a crossword. As the game progresses, players earn points both for long words and for placing buildings such as factories, parks, and offices in the right spots.
One of the most fun features of Criss-Cross Town is that the letter grids are double-sided, so if you spot a useful letter combination, you don’t have to worry about whether it’s horizontal or vertical: you can just flip it over to convert rows into columns, and vice versa.

At the moment, Criss-Cross Town is print-and-play only. To play, you’ll need the following things in addition to the printed sheets and cards:
-a pairs of scissors per player
-a timer (if you’re playing with the timed variant)
-several cubes to stand in as workers (in a pinch, you can tear and crumple little bits of paper)
It is important that you print the sheets double-sided, otherwise you won’t be able to flip your letter grids over to turn rows into columns and columns into rows.